Upper ear cartilage is uncomfortable however it's not eath shattering, if you want the piercing get it done by a pro and you should be fine.
Yes, puncturing the ear lobe hurts, but only for a brief period of time.
Belly button piercing hurts more. I have them both & that's the one that hurt the most for me.
Your belly button piercing hurts more then a normal ear piercing your belly button piercing is more sensitive then a ear. :]
The tragus piercing has a smaller cartillage when pierced while the rook piercing has a bigger cartilage. So rook has to be the much more painful type of ear piercing.
most likely the tragus piercing. but that's still on the ear.
It really depends on where your getting the ear piercing. Tragus, industrial or uncommon ear piercings hurt more then the belly button. If were talking normal lobe piercings, belly hurts more :)
The tragus and inner ear piercings are the more painful ones... however this is completely dependent on the person's pain tolerance and body.
From my experience, the ear hurt more. Both have cartilage so both hurt a fair bit but the cartilage in the ear is much thicker. A tip if you are worried about pain (for the ear) and not too concerned about placement, the higher up on the ear, the less it hurts, from personal experience, but it may be different for you. The nose isn't too bad, it does hurt (obviously) but it's most certainly not the most painful piercing. It only hurts a tad and your eye/eyes water up and you're done. Nothing to it. The jewelry hurts a but when being put in but it only takes a second.
A suicide piercing is from the top of your ear to the bottom, piercing through multiple parts of your cartilage. It hurts and a lot of people bleed from it --- or so I've heard. http://www.mysticpiercing.com/suicide.htm try going there, they have pictures.
Ear cartilage piercing, yes and................
Ear piercing is normally done in commercial centres in piercing shops.