Roxy is the street name for Oxycodone... like ICE for Meth.
Speed is the street name for Amphetamine, and Methamphetamine which are drugs.
There is an impressive array of drugs on the street today, but certain drugs are more popular in certain areas. Every town has its own drug of choice. Cocaine, meth, crack, ketamine, duster, cccs, shrooms, acid, duster, x, heroin, an array of prescriptions (xanax, valium, percocet, oxycontin, ect.) can all be bought on the street, ghb. The popularity of ketamine and ghb is negligable in recent years however.
Drug screening is specific for street/recreational drugs and prescription controlled drugs. Antibiotics are not part of the screening tests.
A non prescribed drug is a drug you buy at a street corner. It's also a drug that a doctor didn't prescribe to you.
WikiAnswers does not provide illegal drug questions. We also will not provide answers for how to overdose, where to find drugs illegally, how much the street value of drugs is, how to create/make drugs, or how to use drugs.
Any street drug. There is a long list. Many prescritions like viccadin.
yes they will, when they are street drugs, prescription drugs must be used according to the way the physician has prescribed them.
The Officers who specialise in drugs and drug related crime would have a thorough knowledge of all the local street names. Officers who are not specialist in this field would know the basics and call the drug squad if they needed support.
Sounds like a street drug. I generally stay away from drugs with colors in their names.
dope dope dope dope
I guess thats a drug? well you might have to give him some tough love it's either me or the drug or you could try to work on it together