Lead nitrate powder is white in color.
It depends on the concentration of solutes inside and outside the baggie or beaker. If the concentration of solutes is higher inside the baggie or beaker compared to the surrounding environment, then it is hypertonic. If the concentration is lower, then it is hypotonic.
When white powder is added to water, the particles of the powder separate and mix with the water molecules. This process is called dissolution, where the powder breaks down into smaller particles that spread out evenly in the water, creating a solution.
Potassium bicarbonate is a white, crystalline powder.
Crystal methamphetamine fits the description of a white glass crystal powder that does not dissolve in water.
Drugs as white powder can be any number of things. It can be heroin, cocain or crunched amphetamine like speed or ectasy. White powder also can be methylamphetamin, which is called Crystal Meth, too.
It really depends on the powder. If it's white and chunky (may not be) and has a numbing effect on the tongue, it's cocaine. If it's in crystal form, or powder with smaller crystals in it, it might be methamphetamine. Brown or tan powder is heroin. Also street drug test kits are available online, that turn a certain color depending on the drug.
The scientific name of heroin is diacetylmorphine.
Powder (movie Powder) Snow White
White Lady White Powder was created in 1980.
Either Heroin or Mustard Powder
yes, It usually comes as a white powder in a gel capsule. It's similar to MDMA or ecstacy.
Lead nitrate powder is white in color.
Filo dough, Opa!
No. It's a supplement.