Marijuana is a halluciogen like LSD (lysergic acid diethylamide) from the plant Cannabis Sativa.
the type of drug is boobylicsouos ur welcome
Marijuana is presently a Schedule I drug, which is absolutely ridiculous. It would have been rescheduled years ago but for politics. Of course, the most dangerous drug, alcohol, is sold legally in the US, so they need some sort of bogyman to point to.
Marijuana is a drug, not a disease..
a kind of marijuana or a street name for the drug Datura
cannabis its marijuana
NO marijuana is not a drug its a leaf
Diuretic is a classification that describes the effect of a drug, not a general category.For example, caffeine has diuretic properties, but so does (I believe) alcohol. These drugs are completely unrelated, however.
aerobid classification
weed is considered hemp.
Marijuana is definitely the most widely used illegal drug in the US. Marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug.