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The same as everyone else. However, Canada is well known for Canadian Whiskey.

We especially like rum and beer.

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VODKA ALL THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!

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water I think we all ment whats not water

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Q: What drink is usually drunk in Canada?
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What is the past for the drink?

drunk drink / drank / drunk

What do you need to drink if i am drunk?

I don't need to drink if you are drunk. You should drink water.

What is the perfect tense of drink?

The past perfect tense of drink is: (He) had drunk.

What past participle do you use with drunk?

The past participle used with "drunk" is "drunk." For example, "He has drunk too much."

When was Drink-Drank-Drunk created?

Drink-Drank-Drunk was created in 2005.

How you get drunk on beer?

You drink it until you are drunk.

Are you the difference between drink and drunk?

Actually, yes, in a sense you are the difference between drink and drunk. Only you have the power to have a drink or two and have so many that you get drunk.

Is it legal to drink beer in a commercial?

Although what is drunk in the commercials is usually NOT actually beer, there is no criminal law against it.

What are the drinks usually drunk by Indonesians?

not a lot. Indonesia is a predominantly Muslim country, and Muslims are forbidden to drink alcohol.

What is the correct way to say this sentence They drank their milk or The drunk their milk?

The Answer is 'they drank' drank is the past tense of 'To Drink'. Whereas 'Drunk' has the meaning of being intoxicated, usually by alcohol.

How do you get drunk on RuneScape?

Drink a wine or a beer. Some of your stats will go down (usually attack) but sometimes other stats may also go down due to being "Drunk". If you drink an ale, some of your stats may also rise.

Why do liquor stores close at sundown?

because people usually drink and drive at night, aka people tend to get drunk after sunset not befre, and liquor stores provide them will the drinks to get drunk with