If you test positive it is in your system no matter how it gets there. Secondary smoke from marijuana can be inhaled and you could test positive because of this.
ummm NO. its the THC in marijuana that gets you high and and you have to ingest it somehow either eating, drinking, or smoking marijuana, hash, etc.
no it cant, Because Your not directly taking in the THC...The ways THC gets in your system is if it is either inhaled or digested...
The chemical in marijuana that gets you high and can be addictive is delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). It acts on the brain's reward system, leading to euphoria and heightened sensory perception. Continued use of THC can lead to dependence and addiction in some individuals.
Moss gets its water primarily through its root system using Osmosis
in school
yes, that is what gets you high
the one that gets you high
This is impossible. There is no way to clear your system of marijuana in one day. You can buy a "de-tox" drink that takes a couple of days to work, but that's a soon as you are going to get. Drinking lots of water helps as well as taking "flush-free" niacin vitamin pills that you can purchase over the counter at a pharmacy. Don't take more than 500mg of niacin in one day though, you will get all red and regret taking it.
The less you smoke, the quicker it gets out of your system. One joint may be out of your system in 7 days, but heavy, daily use can take up to a month.
What you are talking about is THC, the active ingredient in Marijuana. THC gets stored in fat.
THC is found in Marijuana its what gets you high when you smoke weed.