it depends on the person some time great and fun sometimes it hurts, but who know for you, you wont know till it its over with.
anytime you feel like you're ready.
When you Feel like its the right time. :]
Yes it's natural to feel this because you haven't experienced it before and after you are use to it you won't feel like urinating.
Places in the Heart'''Steel Magnolias'''
The song "I'm like a bird" by Nelly Furtado about sums it up
it is the song 'for the first time' by gene watson
When you kiss someone for the first time, you feel butterflies in your stomach, and you loose your breath, but it depends how much you like them :))) hope your first kiss turns out magical just like mine did :)))) bye! have fun! but not too much!
You're ready as soon as you feel like putting your arms around him ;)
Use your head to think with not your organ,
It is normal for everything to feel like it's working hard down there, three days after starting period for the first time, because you are not used to. If it continues that way, you should seek medical help.
Pretty amazing. For most people the really amazing thing is the sense of complete weightlessness.