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your peroid is very regular

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Q: What does your cycle for 8 days mean?
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What do I do if I have been on my menstrual cycle for 30 days?

Menstrual cycle means your reproductive cycle, your menstrual cycle should be around 30 days. If you mean that you've been menstruating for 30 days then you need to go see your doctor.

How long does a mentural cycle last?

It depends anywhere from 3-8 days.

Can a dog get pregnant by another dog 8 days after the first breeding?

Yes - if a cycle last 21 days and the dog was bred w/desired dog on day 10>12 - 8 days later the bitch is still in her cycle. Unlikely but possible.

Is it normal to have a menstrual cycle for a maximum of 4 days?

Yes, a normal period can last from 3 to 8 days.

Can a female conceive 2days after her menstrual cycle?

The menstrual cycle is the reproductive cycle, this is when a female would conceive - I think you mean two days after her period. Yes, a female can conceive two days after her period if her cycle is short.

Is it possible to get your period every 8 days?

No, it is not possible. The menstruation cycle does not complete itself that quickly.

Does regular 28-day cycle mean im fertile?

NO the harmone leven in individual will decide 28 days 26 days 24 days 22 days or even 20 days Fertility depends on your health condition not one mesturation cycle

21 days from start or end of mare's heat?

20-22 days is the length of a mares entire cycle. 14 days of diestrus and 6-8 days of heat.

Is it bad to have your menstrual cycle longer then 4days?

No, it isn't bad to have your menstrual cycle longer than 4 days. The term menstrual cycle means the reproductive cycle, which is typically 28 days long. If you mean menstruation then this is normally between 5-7 days long but a little shorter is fine too.

Why Menstrual cycle repeats in 8 days at the age of 45?

The menstrual cycle typically lasts around 28 days, but it can vary. At the age of 45, women may experience changes in their cycle length due to hormonal fluctuations associated with menopause. A cycle length of 8 days may indicate irregularity or changes in hormone levels. It's recommended to consult a healthcare provider for further evaluation.

Is the power of 8 and the moon connected?

No. A lunar cycle is approximately 28 days, but the number 8 does not otherwise factor into anything of significance to the moon.

What does it mean when your cycle changes from 32 days to 28 days is it easier to become pregnant with a 28 day cycle?

No. Just means you ovulate later. I always had a 35-38 day cycle and it didn't seem to make any difference.