The best I can describe is an inch long rock hard women's nipple (or tit) covered in saliva or lube.
They say it's "butter soft" when you are pregnant...
Well I'm 5 weeks pregnant and my cervix is extremely high, medium hard, and closed completely. I hope this helped you a little!
The cervix of a pregnant woman looks bluish or purple depending on how far along they are. it feels like a very ripe fruit. when you stick your hand in to feel it should come back down quickly or fall down with your hand.
Take the tip of your finger and press the tip of your nose. This is how a non-pregnant cervix generally feels. Now take the tip of your finger and press the fullest point of your bottom lip. A pregnant cervix generally feels "soft and mushy." You cannot feel it from the outside.
You can't see your cervix. I'm not sure why you would think it's open. Have you put your finger in your vagina to feel it? If you do that, it should feel soft like your lips if you're pregnant. If you aren't pregnant it should feel hard like the tip of your nose.
Your cervix during menstruation will be lower in your vagina, also firm and closed. If you were to feel your cervix or bump it the cervix may be more sensitive during menstruation so you may feel a menstrual cramp type sensation. If you search for Beautiful Cervix Project you'll find a great web site with photos of the cervix throughout the menstrual cycle which can help you figure out how your cervix looks and what it might feel like during menstruation.
The question here should really be when CAN you feel your cervix
Cervix becomes soft at 4 weeks pregnancy. Not only cervix but uterus also becomes soft. Gynecologist is very careful while doing termination of pregnancy. ( Suction and evacuation.) Otherwise perforation of uterus occurs. Non-pregnant uterus is a tough structure and duringD and C, (Dilatation and curettage.) uterus does not get perforated, unless you want to perforate it.
Closed. It is one of the ways your body helps to protect your baby. The cervix only opens slightly to allow the sperm in during ovulation, then if pregnancy occurs it closes and what is known as a "Mucus Plug" fills in the rest of the gap. As the woman gets closer to delivery, one of the signs of early labor is when she loses her mucus plug.. that occurs when the cervix is begining to dilate. At full dilation the cervix is open only 10 cm. There is one caveat to this, sometimes the cervix is "weak" or "incompetent" when it begins to dialate BEFORE approx 36 weeks. In this instance there is a procedure available called Cervical Cerclage. It is when the cervix is stitched shut to prevent miscarriage or early delivery of the baby. for more info on this procedure please cut and paste this link.
The same as you always feel.
If you are not a doctor or midwife there is no way you should be feeling your cervix, you could easily introduce an infection which could be fatal to you and/or your baby. Keep your fingers out and wait until you go into labor.
A cervix does not necessarily feel different during early pregnancy. A firm feeling cervix that has drop lower to the usual position may be an indicator for a pregnancy, but this may also be the case during common menstrual cycles and might not be related to a pregnancy at all.