

Best Answer

Shake is the left over weeds in dealer 's container. very dull and takes it longer to get you high

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Q: What does weed shake mean?
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Is weed a rip off?

it depends on what type of weed you get; don't buy shake

What kind of drugs make you shake?

cocain, crystal meth, heroin, lsd, and ghb

What does it mean when a song says shake it?

you know just shake it

What does it mean the name and title in application?

a bag a weed a bag a weed everbodys better with a bag of weed :)

Is it fun to be smoke weed?

Yes very... I mean no! A your weed is belong to me!

What does it mean when your weed is hard?

If your weed is hard that means that it is dried out and compressed.

What does the term upper mids mean for weed.?

high potency weed

Who sings shake?

If you mean shake it up then it's by Selena Gomez!!

Can guinea hen weed use for bumps?

Please rephrase that- do you mean can Guinea hen use weed for bumps? What do you mean by that?

What is the purpose of reggae?

So you can shake your a*s and dance, while smoking weed at the beach !! It's party music ( and more...) from Jamaica!

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Smoking weed

What does dirp mean?

To smoke weed