W means 笑おう(Waraou or laugh) it has the same meaning as lol in japanese.
Text all around the world
imformed means you have knowlege or w/e imformed means you have knowlege or w/e
It should be YET. The r is next to the e. Fat fingers.
W/e is short for what ever.
It means We eat
Hwt stnds for "half way there" h. W. T.
You probably mean how to integrate text and e. g. picture. See related link bellow for tutorial.
E or if it is like this <3 it is a heart.
It can mean 'Estimating my dowry's worth' or 'Examine my darling wife'
you have to break all the ice tiles nord: N east: E south: S west: W 1st floor:stand on the stairs N W N E E N W A STAIR WILL APPEAR 2st floor: stand on the stairs N W W W N N E E S E E S E E N N W W W A STAIR WILL APPEAR 3st floor: stand on the stairs (this is the hardest one) N W W N W S W W N N N E S E E N E S E S E S E N E E S E N N N W W S W N W W
They stand for the letters E and W.