The vaginal fluid is a clear substance that can sometimes be thick and slimy or thin. It can also be white after certain sexual arousel in the vagina or after masturbation. This is likely to happen when you are about to start your period again every month
Vaginal fluid
vaginal discharge or gonerrhea
Yeast Infection
The medical term for female vaginal fluid is cervical mucus.
Normal vaginal discharge (when dry) leaves a colorless to white spot.
The hymen is tissue that surrounds the vaginal opening, it is different for everyone. Typically it will look like a crescent of tissue around the bottom/back of the vaginal opening, but in some people it may cover more of the vaginal opening.
Vaginal fluid attracts sharks.
Yes, you can get hiv by eating vaginal fluid.
Vaginal fluid
vag juice
vaginal secretions
Of course you can't