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It depends on the rest of the message... The letters tty could mean talk to you, and hco could mean hey come over. However these are just two examples my brain came up with when I saw the question !

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Q: What does tty hco means on cell phone?
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What is tty on a metropcs phone?

It means that the phone is compatible with a TTY (Tele Typewriter) device for people with hearing difficulties.

What is the telephone symbol with dots under it on the iPhone?

The symbol you are most likely talking about is the TTY symbol, which would appear in the menubar of your phone. It indicates that TTY is enabled for iPhone users who are normally deaf or hard-of-hearing. If you do not want this feature to be enabled, simply go to your Settings app and tap on Phone, and then tap on the TTY slider to "Off."

Voyager cell phone and i can't hear anything?

This might help you.... go on settings and tools, then go on call settings, then tty mode and choose one of them expt for off... i know it doesnt work for both of them but you might wanna try out tty full i dont know what that does but try it and see what happens

What is tty on a phone?

It's a tele typewriter. It's for people with hearing/speech difficulties.

What is the full form of VTY?

VTY means -- virtual TTY (teletype)

What does this symbol mean on your iPhone it looks like a telephone with something like a keyboard unddrr it it is right next to the battery life?

The TTY option is turned on. you can turn it off in the setting>phone>TTY

How many failures would the TTY have out of 10 trials?

There are no official statistics available to support how many failures the TTY would have out of 10 trials. Suffice to say however, that how reliable the TTY device would be depends greatly upon the telephone network provider. As long as there is reasonable coverage and the phone lines remain intact, the TTY device should work flawlessly.

What deos TTY mean?

Yes. The TTY (TeleTYpe), TDD (Telecommunications Device for the Deaf), and TT (Text Telephone) acronyms are used interchangeably to refer to any type of text-based telecommunications equipment used by a person who does not have enough functional hearing to understand speech, even with amplification. The person sending a message types it on a small keyboard, and the person receiving the message reads the text on the display. In order for a person to use a text telephone, the individual at the other end of the conversation must also have one, or they must use a relay service. A relay service provides an operator who reads the text on a TTY and speaks the message into a telephone and/or listens on a telephone and types the message on a TTY. A TTY device is used to communicate by people with speech and hearing impairments. A user with a speech impairment can type a message on the TTY machine and the machine will send the message through a phone line or mobile signal. For users with hearing impairments, the TTY machine will turn voice messages into text messages so the user can read them. While a TTY machine may sound a lot like text messaging, its actual functions are more seamless. TTY machines allow users to continuously communicate as part of one conversation, without receiving constant message notifications and updates like from text messages. During a TTY conversation, the messages appear immediately on the other partyโ€™s TTY screen without interruption. TTY devices can be connected to both landlines and cell phones, allowing for portable communication.

What does' tty' mean when sent at the end of an email?

TTYL means Talk To You Later.

How do you turn off the TTY icon on the iphone?

Settings, phone, tty off. if wnt turn off, call Apple Support 800-694-7466. Check out for helpful information.

Is there a home phone that can translate call to a readable event your Aunt cannot hear but can read is there a home phone that can accomplish this?

There are phones that have something called TTY, also called TDD, a service for the deaf and hard of hearing. See the Related Links for more information, and call your local telephone company about how to get TTY or TDD service.

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Communitive means of, or belonging to, a community. Multiplication has no particular communitive property.