To apply lightly means to use a small amount or gentle pressure when putting something on or spreading it around. It implies a delicate touch to avoid overdoing it.
"Firm to touch" means that when you lightly touch the top of the baked product, the dough will not jiggle or move as it would if still liquid. It will feel firm, but not necessarily hard.
i not quite sure too but i guess is a good sign he finds you hot
pat, touch, stroke
"Pat" means to touch lightly and repeatedly with the hand, usually on the head.
It means to hit something (the object you need to do it to) lightly
To touch (the body) lightly so as to cause laughter or twitching movements.To tease or excite pleasurably; titillate: suspense that tickles the reader's curiosity.To fill with mirth or pleasure; delight
To lightly touch (a cake, for example), to determine doneness
Dab means to touch lightly and quickly.
no it should sit completely clear of the withers