The xXx tattoo is a symbol for "straight edge." Its a group of people that do not drink, do any drugs, or have promisqious sex.
The tattoo on Lacey Mosley's forearm is the word Beulah, which means married.
Yes he has a tattoo on his forearm
a flame
Nothing, Its a design people like. It doesnt actually mean anything.
The meaning of a star tattoo down the forearm could mean a number of things according to the individual. One thing it could mean is a feeling of hope or trying to reach for their goals.
Marilyn Monroe
the tattoo is a portrait of his Uncle who passed away. located on his right forearm.
The text "Dickface".
its a picture of Patrick swayze
it's a snake!!!
the tattoo in the movie is on his right inner forearm, a simple cross.