If your talking about a building or a structure- -a sound building is well built and not likely to fall down -a strong building is also well built and able to support a lot of weight.
An Interjection.
The word relationship translates as:BeziehungVerhältnisVerwandtschaft
If you mean what is the greek word for "wood sound" then its: Ξύλινος ήχος [xeelinos ehos] If you mean HOW DOES the Greek word for wood sound, then it's xeelo
non strong non strong
"Sonido" is the Spanish word for "sound."
debate perhaps **Sound** Strong
The EA Pair in the word 'mean' has a long E sound. The short E word would be 'men.'
made strong
you mean onomatopoeia... a sound that is a word
to make a sound
It is an onomatopoeia, or a sound word, which describes the sound a ping against a metal object might sound like.
pulsatingpresent participle of pul·sate (Verb)1. Expand and contract with strong regular movements.2. Produce a regular throbbing sensation or sound.