There is no such word in English. You possibly mean 'Cougar' which is a large wild cat.
i think it means to party
Tat is also slang for tattoo
Trisha Lurie played Jenna in the movie "Cougar Hunting" who is the girl who roofied Dick and tattooed contaminated on his penis.
mercury cougar
In Aramaic, the word "mark" can mean a sign, indication, or symbol. It can also refer to a physical mark, such as a branding or tattoo.
It stays tattoo.
A puma is also called a cougar. The Cherokee word for cougar is tlv-da-tsi.
The English word cougar comes from French couguar, which derives from Portuguese çuçuarana. The Portuguese picked it up in Brazil, from ... somewhere; nobody's quite sure, but Tupi susuarana "false deer" is one possibility.
Jordan sparks tattoo
dager, if I'm understanding what you mean, should be 'dagger' although, I'm unsure of why the 'u' in cougar is capitalized, unless it was just a typo, which I'm assuming it was.
The word - tattoo - is not in the King James version.