If pregnancy test is positive, then Ultrasonography done before will conform the location( whether the "baby" is in uterus or extra uterine,like in Fallopian tube.) and live or dead. In next trimester you will know if any fetal abnormalities are present.( Like defects in various organs and if so pregnancy can be terminated.) In third trimester various other parameters like growth of the baby, amniotic fluid quantity and maturity etc can be known and Ultrasonography is totally safe procedure for the baby and mother.At least 3 times Ultrasonography must be done and more if your Doctor advise you.( Expected date of delivery can be told any time.)
Cranial ultrasonography is also performed on adults during brain surgery to help identify the location of brain tumors
Blood test are good for women who do not have enough hcg in their urine to detect on a home urine pregnancy test. A blood test can detect pregnancy before a hpt can. Hopes this help
Yes the immunoassay test which can detect pregnancy as early as 10 days.\
You get plenty of information on how to help young girls during their pregnancy. You can get help through DHS, which is a very good way to get help for pregnancy.
Mary helped her older relative Elizabeth during her pregnancy with John the Baptist.
You should go to a doctor or midwife while pregnant there are so many dangers for you and the baby if you don't have medical help during a pregnancy
Sperms in for some reasons not harm your preganancy, it help ripen your cervix in late pregnancy.
If someone does yoga during pregnancy then they are more likely to maintain the suppleness that is useful in life. They can also use the breathing techniques and control to help during labor.
I do not know if it is "safer" but it is all good to have intercourse during pregnancy. In fact a womans libido usually increases during pregnancy (which I am sure your husband will find to be a nice change!) . Also, orgasms release a hormone that can actually help headaches and fatigue so go for it!
Isabgol is fine to take during the first trimester of your pregnancy. The supplement will help to prevent straining of your bowel movements.