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Q: What does the term American free enterprise system day mean?
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What is a free enterprise system mean?

The Free Enterprise System is based on the right of the individual to run a business for profit with a minimum of government control. The characteristics of a free enterprise system are freedom, competition, and private ownership.

Are entrepreneurial management relating to an enterprise?

In a way yes. Entrepreneurial management mostly relates to businesses those that operate a business that they themselves have started. But if you mean enterprise as in an economic principal, then it could also be related. Free enterprise is an economic system in which private business operates in competition and largely free of state control.

Do capitalism and free enterprise mean the same thing?

Cwyeb iouivbpir

What does free enterprise mean for Americans?

It means businesses are governed by the laws of supply and demand.

What is enterprise medolody?

I think you mean "enterprise methodology."

What does the word Enterprise mean in French?

Enterprise is spelled "entreprise" (fem.) in French.

Does the American flag supposed to mean you are a free country?

only on mondays

What is FED?

The abbreviation of FED can be used to mean many things. These meanings can include field emission display, forward entry device, free enterprise day, free energy difference, and most commonly federal.

Should congress approve the North American Free Agreement?

If you mean the North American Free Trade Agreement or NAFTA, then your dumb. It's been approved for years.

What is the mean erp?

Enterprise Resource Planing

What does free enterprices system mean?

people can own and run their own businesses

What does it mean head the bill?

To be the main person in an enterprise.