A standard American phone number consists of three parts. An area code, a prefix, and a suffix. In the following phone number: (987) 654-3211, the 654 would be the prefix.
The phone prefix 694 is from Greece. It is used for mobile numbers in the country.
The phone prefix plus 21 belongs to Morocco.
No, "phone" is not a prefix. It is a standalone word used to refer to a telephone or a device that can make and receive calls.
I phone
what does the prefix polo mean
the kind of phone that you talk on
I guess that you talking about the phone number prefix. its ussually the first 3 digits of the phone number for exampls: If you have a phone number in NJ the first 3 digits would be (609) If you live in a different country, theres always a 3 number digit you would dial in the beginning of a phone number Hope that will help...
The prefix ap- mean to or toward. One word with this prefix is appetite.
what does the prefix cri mean as in crisis
"Earphone" does not have a prefix or a suffix. It is a standalone word that combines "ear" and "phone" to describe a device for listening to audio.
The prefix ben mean of a good nature