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Ocean Grown

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Q: What does the marijuana term OG mean?
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Related questions

What does the term 'og kush' exactly mean?

"OG Kush" is a type of medical-grade marijuana most popular in California. The "OG," though often confused for "original gangster" due to its misuse in rap music, stands for "ocean grown."

What is a og?

OG is a slang term short for "original gangsta."

What does og mean on jewelry?

What does oG mean on my gold

What does the term 420 mean?

"420" means the international time for smoking marijuana, how many toxins/chemicals are in marijuana, and Adolf Hitler's birthday

What does the slang term herb mean?

Herb is one of many slang references to marijuana.

What does OG triple OG mean?

OG stands for ''original gangster'' so triple OG is a higher level of being a OG''yo whats up og triple og triple triple.. OG''

What does OG mean in slang?

OG in slang stands for "old gangsta." Ex. My father thinks he's a OG.

What does 320 mean?

There is no such term as 320 friendly. There is a term called 420 friendly, which means a person who smokes marijuana or does not care if others smoke around them.

What is the strongest marijuana strains?

Some of the strongest medical marijuana strain are: 1. Head cheese 2. Matt's OG 3. Super Lemon Haze 4. Master Yoda

What does the term being above inconvenient laws mean?

Violations of laws against speeding, smoking marijuana, drinking.

What is mean by aquatic?

Hydroponic is the term used which is when marijuana has a constant source of water, usually the most high quality

What is the best marijuana seeds to buy?

OG kush would be a popular one, THC quantity wise, white widow.