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11mo ago

Foliage can vary widely in appearance depending on the plant species. It can be broad or narrow, thick or sparse, smooth or textured, and come in various colors like green, red, purple, or variegated. Generally, foliage refers to the leaves of a plant.

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Foliage is like plants, trees, etc.

How do you spell foliage?

The correct spelling is 'foliage'.

What is riparian foliage?

Foliage on or along a river bank.

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Is this the right grammar for this sentence About September 20 is when the foliage begins to turn?

Maybe this is better: About September 20 the foliage begins to turn. Some people don't like starting a sentence with a preposition so you could say: The foliage begins to turn about September 20.

What is foliage like?

Foliage refers to the collective leaves of plants, typically green in color and varying in shape and size. It serves as the primary site for photosynthesis in plants, enabling them to produce energy from sunlight. Foliage can be dense or sparse, and its characteristics are influenced by factors such as plant species, climate, and habitat.

Can you write a sentence using the word foliage?

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What is a Prefix for foliage?

"Flora-" is a prefix that relates to plants and foliage.

What is cut foliage?

It is a term used by florists. Cut foliage means the same as cut flowers only it's foliage.

Scientific name for foliage?

The scientific term for foliage is "foliage." It refers to the leaves of a plant collectively, and there is no specific scientific name beyond that.

What are cocoon like bags in trees?

The cocoon like bags in trees belong to the tent caterpillar. These pest like to infest fruit trees and can cause significant damage to the foliage. They are usually seen beginning in the spring through summer. Tree generally have time to regrowth the damaged foliage.

Is rubbing alcohol deadly to foliage plants?

Just like humans, it will weaken if not kill plants.