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Just miscarried today at six weeks. I woke up covered in blood. Went to the bathroom. I could feel the blood clots as they passed so they were pretty big. I have been aware of it for three hours and I am still passing big clots of blood.

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Q: What does the blood clot look like when you miscarry and pass the baby?
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Is it possible to see the baby when you have a miscarriage not just parts of the baby but the whole baby?

yes, I seen my whole baby when I miscarried the first time... looked like a little chicken. :( but its more likely to see pieces. Also depends how far along you are at the time of miscarriage too... (sorry to have to edit it, I pressed enter too soon ) If you miscarry before about 8 weeks the baby is so small that it is unlikely it will be visible in the blood and clots, it will probably just look like another clot. But the later you are and the larger the baby the more likely you are to be able to see it. There is no reason why it should be in pieces. After about 12 weeks it will look like a baby and after about 15 weeks it may even move if still alive. It really depends why you miscarry as well. If it is becasue the baby has died it will look different to if it is because you have a 'weak' cervix and miscarry a live baby.

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Is it possible to miscarry at 7 months by passing a blood clot in the toilet the size of a grapefruit and wouldn't you know if it was the baby?

When you are 7 months pregnant than you are somewhere between 24-28 weeks pregnant. At this age the baby weighs about 2 lbs and is certainly fully formed, at this stage of pregnancy, it wouldn't be a miscarriage, but a stillbirth. A fully formed baby would be born,(unless the reason it died was due to horrible birth defects, it might not look quite like a baby) plus a placenta, not a blood clot the size of a grapefruit. I would have to say no ~pawsalmighty

Why menstrual do not clot?

Menstrual blood has fewer platelets than normal blood because if it was to clot it would be detrimental to the process. If menstrual blood were to clot like normal blood it would inhibit the blood leaving the uterus.

If you miscarry at 8 weeks should you feel and see the sac in the toilet?

Hi I was recently pregnant. i was 9 weeks and i started spotting and cramping i went to the hospital and the baby cam out in the toilet. i grabbed at it and it looked like a huge blood clot with a 3 inch white bean in the middle with egg yolk around it. that's my opinion of what i saw

If you had a miscarriage at 13 weeks when you pass the baby will it look like a baby or just a big blood clot?

The baby will come out in a sac and it will look like a baby. I miscarried my 13wk baby dec "08 and when I passed it I could see its little hands on its face and its mouth open.

Why menstrual blood do not clot?

Menstrual blood has fewer platelets than normal blood because if it was to clot it would be detrimental to the process. If menstrual blood were to clot like normal blood it would inhibit the blood leaving the uterus.

You are 6 weeks pregnant and had brown spotting for couple days then yesterday had a big bleed past a blood clot and now all the bleeding has stopped would this be a miscarry had no cramping?

not a Dr., but sounds like it. Please see your OB right away.

What is a circulating clot?

Menstrual blood doesn't clot like normal blood, if ti did then it'd be detrimental to the whole process of menstruation. What people normally think are clots are actually larger pieces of the uterus lining that is shed, or blood mixing with cervical mucus.

What does the tissue look like when you miscarriage at 8 weeks?

You will see some tissue and when you feel something bigger than a blood clot that's the baby, it is small and it will be in like a sack and sack will be red of course, but if you can somehow rinse it off u can see a clear coat over you baby. You will have a lot of blood clots after and tissue and discharge after baby's out. I would also like to say sorry about your loss.

What does a blood clot in tooth socket look like?

A blood clot in a tooth socket looks like a dark red film-like substance. It resembles a bubble, with a soft pocket.

What is deep vein thrombosis?

Thrombosis is the formation of a clot or thrombus inside a blood vessel, obstructing the flow of blood through the circulatory system.Thromboembolism is a general term describing both thrombosis and its main complication which is embolisation1.1. clot.