In Spain, children typically receive gifts from the Magi on January 6th rather than from a Santa Claus figure. However, the modern Santa Claus is also recognized in Spain, often depicted similarly to how he is in other countries with a red suit and white beard.
You look beautiful in Spanish is "Te ves hermosa."
"Mira" in Spanish means "look" or "watch." It is a command form of the verb "mirar," which translates to "to look."
Some languages that look like English and are commonly spoken around the world include Spanish, French, German, Dutch, and Swedish.
No, "mira mira" is not a Spanish person. "Mira mira" is actually a commonly used Spanish phrase that means "look look." It is often used to get someone's attention or to highlight something noteworthy.
"Mira" in Spanish translates to "look" or "see" in English.
they look like Santa Claus but with Chinese eyes
santa would look tanner !!!! lol
Santa Claus looks the same in Alaska as he does in the other 49 states.
There is no Santa Claus in Italy, they have somebody else, I just don't remember what!
Israel is 75% Jewish and 16% Muslim. Neither Jews nor Muslims have a Santa Claus.
samta looks like a person with a wite brid and wite hair and that is what santa looks like
It looks like Santa Claus
Papai Noel is how Santa Claus is called in Brazil.
fat with a red suit with white trimmings
He puts on a kilt before he arrives in Scotland.
yes because he will look like a yetti to the younger kids
just the same as he does here. hes a international logo