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It means he likes you, trust me this happend to me before.

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4mo ago

It could mean that he is shy or unsure about how to approach you, hence the awkward behavior. His staring and smiling may indicate that he is interested but hesitant to make a move. If you like him too, consider initiating a conversation to see how he responds.

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Q: What does that mean if the outgoing guy you like only stares at you and smiles at you for a few sec when he sees you in the hallway when he sometimes can say hi to you and smile and look kinda weird?
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Does that mean anything if the guy you like looks or stares at you almost every time when he sees you in class or in the hallway for over a year?

It could mean that he is interested in you or finds you attractive. It's a positive sign, and you could try initiating a conversation to see if there is any mutual interest.

What does it mean if the guy you like looks or stares at you almost every time he sees you in class or in the hallway for more than a year and gets jealous when you talk to any guy friends?

It could indicate that he has feelings for you and is possibly interested in a romantic relationship. The consistent staring and jealousy are often signs of attraction or possessiveness. Consider expressing your own feelings or interests to see if there is mutual interest.

What does it mean when ur man stares in your eyes?

When a man stares into your eyes, it often indicates a deep emotional connection and can show that he values and cherishes you. It may also indicate a form of communication or intimacy without words.

What does it mean if a girl stares at you and acts nervous around you but never smiles or trys to talk with you?

It could mean that she is shy or unsure how to approach you. She might be interested in you but lacks the confidence to engage in conversation or smile. It could be helpful to initiate a conversation with her to see how she responds.

How do you know if a third grade boy likes you?

I'm in 3rd grade too.. Well there's this guy I like and there's lots of things he does!.. He stares me alot. He always feels comfortable around me... More than my BEFF Rumbi more.. He's really funny around me only.. He always feels happy when I'm around! He smiles alot at me... We have a very good conyou if nection Does he like me? Normally a guy in third grade likes you if he stares at you he spends more time with you he gets nervous around you he smiles at you a lot he tries to be witty he flirts with you he tries to show off in front of you he starts to change his personality to try and make you like him This is coming from a 3rd grade boy so make sure you remember this one thing every guy is different so this might not apply to every guy

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What does it mean when a outgoing guy stares at you a lot but talked to everyone even your friend sometimes but you?

the same thing happens to me with one of the guys i like:)he smiles at me real cute but he does that to lots of girls

How do you know if a girl likes you if you are not friends?

Dont ask her- that might seem wierd. If she stares at you in class or in the hallway or blushes and smiles when you look at her then she totally likes you.

If in one year i told the guy i like that i like him and he stares at me and then the nxt year he gets a girlfriend and still stares at me now sometimes smiles is he trying to make me jealous?


What does that mean if a guy sometimes looks or stares at you without expression in class and hallway and etc?

If he "sometimes" looks at you, or stares at you "without expression" it means one of two things: You are obsessed with him, or you are very, very paranoid.

When a guy acts really mean to you but smiles at you sometimes and stares at you then does he like you?

Maybe he's just too shy and can't contol his actons.

What does it mean and is the boy a player or a flirty if a boy stares at a lot of girls but always stares and smiles only at you?

FIRST, ITS KINA WIERD THAT HE JUST STARES AT EVERYBODY LIKE THAT. Secondly, if he smiles only at you, it means he probably likes you.

What does that mean if the guy you like sometimes says hi to you and smiles but sometimes only stares at you dreamily and says hi to you in a different way than to others?

it means he likes you... duuhhh

If your boyfriend always stares at you and smiles is it love?

No, he is undressing you with his eyes.

How you know a girl likeing him?

She flirts, stares, smiles...etc

How can you tell if Justin Bieber likes you?

if he stares at you so much and smiles at you

What does that mean if the guy you like says hi to you weirdly and smiles at you in the hallway and stares at you a few times and look at you and passes by your seat at the same time in a class?

It means he likes you. If you don't like him back just say i think it would be better if we were just friends.

What are signs that a guy is interested?

If he talks to you alot Flirts with you smiles at you bugs you stares at you