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It does not mean he likes you. Guys like to play mind games with girls a lot so don't get fooled.

Wait for him to approach you. Then that's when you really know if he likes you or not. Whenever a guy likes you -- shy, outgoing, quiet, etc. he'll still approach you if he likes you.

Ignore him -- if you can't, then don't. Just act like yourself.

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Q: What does that mean if the guy you like is always facing you when he sits?
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What does it mean if he sits facing you?

he might like you to it depends i am in the fourth grade and a boy looks at my face to and it sits on it for a little while and then smile but i just want to know if he likes me to because i really like him.

What does it mean when a boy you like is always near you like in almost every class he sits behind you and puts his feet on ur chair and listens to your conversations?

He likes you back.

Does the guy you like like you if he chooses to sit right in front of you when there are many seats to choose from?

That doesn't necessarily mean anything maybe that's the same spot he always sits.

If a girl you don't know always sits with her friends and wacths you play basketball when your the best player there is what does it mean?

she loves you go talk to her if you like her or try to make her hate you

How do you get this guy to notice you who is at your lunch and sits at another table facing you?

Simple answer really, just say hi, or something like that

What does it mean if your crush who has a girlfriend always sits near you?

It depends if he knows you like him. If he does, then he may have a slight crush on you. If he doesn't, he might just consider you guys good friends. Hope that helped!

What does it mean when the girl you like sits behind you?

It means she wants to be able to look at you.

What does it mean if a guy is always staring and talking to you and when he sits next to you he sits a little too close?

um..... he's interested in you...... but that seems a bit obsessive, beware of him he likes you... but that is a little creepy

What does it mean when a guy sits behind you everyday in class?

He may or may not like you. It depends. Do you switch seats everyday and no matter what he sits behind you? If so, then yeah he probably likes you or hes a stalker (lets hope he just likes you) but if you sit in the same seat everyday and he always sits in the same seat as well (behind you) he may or may not like you. Maybe he just feels comfortable in that seat.

What does it mean when a guy you like sits with you on the bus every morning and always talks to you?

It probably means that he likes you. Whether he likes you platonically (as a friend) or romantically (as a girlfriend), remains to be seen. You'll have to figure it out.

What does it mean if a guy sits across from you?

He felt like sitting there. Could be for a number of reasons.

What if This girl always messes with your hair pokes you does she like you?

of coarse she likes u if she always passes you smile n try to talk to u n always sits with or behind u.