It can mean 2 things 1 of them is a instruction manual to help you figure thigs out and another one could mean like to text a friend or something
No the coby mp828 8gb mp3 player has an app on it.
Take a Walkman, IPod or MP3 player with you.
what do you mean you cant register a Pyrus Mp3 player i have one and i cant
i honestly dont kno so go to
There are plenty of car CD players that will do that. Look for MP3/WMV text on the corners of the CD player.
You Cant, I am trying to figure out what the "Text" button is for, but I know it is not for Text Messaging. I think it is for taking notes.
change which information? if you mean to edit the sounds contained in it you need some sort of audio studio software like cool edit to edit the mp3, or or if you mean to alter the text information in the id-tag that gets embedded you can right click on the mp3 file and choose file properties and choose audio information you can edit the text associated with the mp3
iPod is a brand, made by Apple, of mp3 player. mp3 players are small devices with flash memory to download and play music recorded in the digital, mp3 format.
It mean that maybe your eclipse mp3 player is broken and you have to a new one or it means its dead because of low battery
From what ik cuz i have one yhu cant txt on it or go on internet
A Walkman mp3 player is an mp3 player developed by Sony.
Yes, mp3 player portable speakers hook up to any mp3 player. This is because mp3 player portable speakers hook up to an mp3 player's headphone jack, and all mp3 players have headphone jacks.