Tapout means when you tap the ground three times it means your out. For example like in boxing if they hit the ground three times your out.
tap away
What does that mean, tap your chakras?
Tap out mp means tap out mask, punkass, skrape
Tap tap revenge
It's an app ;)
do you mean a certain one? if not, a tap step is called a tap step.
I might be able to answer if I knew what you mean by a Tap symbol.
If you mean tap root, carrots and dandelions have tap root systems.
Tap can be a verb or a noun. As a verb, "to tap" means to touch lightly. For example you might "tap someone on the back" in order to get their attention. In Portuguese, the closest I can think of is bater de leve. Similarly, as a noun, a "tap" can mean a light touch (uma tapinha, uma palmadinha). However, "tap" can also mean a water faucet (uma torneira). The phrase "on tap" (as in "What kinds of beer do you have on tap?") is used to mean beers that come out of a dispenser rather than a bottle (similar to um chope or uma cerveja de barril).
it is called a faucet
have sex with.