If your caller hangs up before you can answer the phone just dial *69 and your phone will call them back.
Dial star 69
depending on the phone you have to dial Star (*) 69 or star (*) 67
If you have service through your phone provider it is a way to see who was the last person that called.
well star 69 can be very reliable so can * 67 and * 98 but you have to make sure your phone company allows it free and you change your voice ; * 69 is better you can block your own number when you call whoever it is your trying to call hope this came in handy good luck with your snoopy business well so long.
Someone that is looking for Star 69 music can listen to it for free at YouTube. One can also find the lyrics to songs by Star 69 to follow along and sing to your favorite songs.
The cost for dialing star 69 with cox is 1.99 each one The cost for dialing star 69 with cox is 1.99 each one
It'll come up as your phone number. Actually *69 calls back to the previous phone that called you. If you want to block your number, use *67. It should show up as blocked, private, unavailable...it really depends on the phone!
£69. at woolworths
The phone number of the Star Branch is: 910-428-2338.
The ISBN of Star Weiss is 978-1-894898-69-0.
Dialling 69 on its own will normally be ignored by a phone as it is too short to be a normal phone number. However, *69 is often used for call return - the service that tells you the number of the last person to call you.