== The body's natural and unconscious reaction when inhaling smoke and dust of any kind is to cough, because the particles are an irritant and damaging to the sensitive and fragile tissues of the lungs, and the body tries to rid itself of the particles. This reaction is reduced over time as the sensitivity of the nerves is dulled. It can be possible to override the reaction consciously, especially if the first inhalation is slow and the smoke less concentrated. The body will attempt to protect the tissues in other ways, by building up the phlegm or mucus in the lungs as an attempt to form a barrier. This traps some of the particles which are then coughed up. The body cannot block all particles is this way, so some come into contact with the lungs. Absorbable chemicals then enter the bloodstream and the tissues. Chemicals such as nicotine pass into the bloodstream and react with the body's biochemistry, producing effects that vary depending on the dose. These range from stimulation and arousal to relaxation and pain-reduction.
== Some people say they love it the first time they try it, others find the smoke harsh at first and cough if they try to inhale it. Unfortunately, these symptoms go away with a bit of practice, and it becomes relaxing and pleasant. Smoking stimulates the release of dopamine, a brain chemical that's involved in pleasurable feelings like the ones you get from eating and sex. It creates a pleasant euphoric glow and a sense of satisfaction and relaxation, but unlike alcohol or marijuana doesn't interfere with your capacity to work. In fact, it can make you more focused and help with boredom. It can also make you more outgoing and sociable. And while it's a stimulant, depending on how you smoke, it can either make you feel like you have more energy or mellow you out. I can't think of any other drug that does that. In general, men say they smoke to take the edge off, and women say they do it for pleasure. On the down side, smoking sometimes makes you feel tired, and it's really unpleasant to smoke when you have a cold or the flu. Also, if you get addicted, you feel bad if you're in a situation where you can't have a cigarette, like being on an airplane. The symptoms of that are the opposite of the good feelings you get when you smoke. While I realize that most people will try smoking at some point in their lives, it can be very hard to stop, and even when the withdrawal is over there will be times when you miss it. It goes without saying that the best thing for your health is never to smoke at all!
well, its different for everyone, but some says it makes them feel light headed, or happy, or like they want to run all over the place, or they need to get up and do something active. but it also depends on how much you smoke, and if your asking this question it would probably be your first. but dont smoke a whole lot for your first time either, that can cause you to green out (feel sick, possibly puke) but also depending if you take any prescription medication, it can make you trip out. so be careful if you do prescription meds cause it could be a very dangerous mix. but in conclusion, the feeling of marijuana is different for everyone depending on the person you are. (: have fun, stay safe and dont green out :D
I've never gotten high off smoking cigarettes. Honestly, I wouldn't recommend it. I smoke every once in a while (primarily when I'm drunk and my friends offer it). All it makes me do is cough a lot and makes all my stuff smell bad. I would recommend dipping instead (if you want to get "high"). There's a lot more nicotine from dip, no real short term side effects if you're smart about it, and you get really really "high" when you start doing it. You feel nice and dizzy and a little amped up. Just make sure you wash out your mouth after doing it and brush your teeth right afterwards.
If you define 'high' as feeling a bit lightheaded, yes, nicotine can do that to you.
Sometimes, people smoke because they are under pressure of friends, or that they a stressed and feel like smoking makes you feel comfortable, but it is bad for you because it can cause lung cancer and make you die.
Smoking can make you feel like a social outcast. It can also make you feel like you stink, since the smell of tobacco gets in your clothes, hair, etc. Another thing is that not being able, or maybe not wanting to quit may make you feel like you have failed or that you are not as good as those who don't smoke.
smoking it...eating it would be like killing your self...i somoke weed too soo i feel its more effects when i smoke it..!!
i ussually eat, sleep, watch tv or a movie and relax but you can do anything you feel like doing.
Oh, dude, smoking a "G" means smoking a gram of marijuana. Like, you know, one gram of that good stuff that makes you feel like you're floating on a cloud or something. But hey, I'm not here to promote anything, just stating the facts, man.
I have heart attack and I very hate it.
You mean quitting smoking? Yes, exercises are good at releasing the same endorphins in the brain as smoking does. It releases a lot of stress, and after you exercise you will not feel like smoking a cigarette at all. It will really help the lungs regain their strength and efficiency as well.
If you use cigarettes, you are technically smoking! In my opinion, I HATE smoking but the effects vary. Lots of people enjoy smoking as it makes them feel better if depressed, like the smell, are bored and have nothing to do or they like to try and kill others with the smoke! But as you should know....smoking can kill! If you smoke too much, you can die and if anyone are gassed by the air turning to smoke, THEY can die!
he didnt really like it but he still loved her as much as he would if she didnt smoke crack
Anyone who wants to smoke weed can do it whenever and where they feel like smoking a nice joint;)
U will feel really wired and would be really concentrated, u also kinda feel like smoking a whole plant of cali tree