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Q: What does sl on a rifle mean?
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What does sl mean?

i think SL means Sorority Life it is an application on myspace and facebook.

What does sl st mean in chrochet?

sl st in crochet means to stanted stitch

Ranger sl plus sr 102.35 22cal rifle?

Made for Sears by Savage as their model M521.

What is the Date of the Winchester Rifle model 07 SL SN44740?

Blue Book of Gun Values has sn data

What is the age and value of a 22 rifle model 2c ss sl or lr?

What make? Model is nice, but we need make.

What does sl marker mean in crocheting?

In most abbreviations you'll find it as "sl st" which means slip stitch but in some cases you'll find it just as sl.

Sighing-in a rifle mean?

What is sightin-in a rifle mean?

What does SL and SE mean on a car?

S mean Sport , SL mean Sport Luxury , SE mean Sport Elegance and Special Edition . It also means straight edge. (for life)special edition

What does SL mean in hockey standings?

Shootout Loss