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The word skinny is adjective that means a person or body part that is unattractively thin. Some other words that mean the same thing are scrawny, lean, meager, and scraggy.

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Q: What does skinny mean?
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If you have a flat stomach does that mean your skinny?

no, it just means you aren't as fat it doesn't mean you're skinny!

What is a skinny hotel?

A skinny hotel... could just be skinny? But there is a hotel named, Skinny Dog Hotel. So if you were wondering what it was, you can Google it. But, I don't understand what you mean by a 'skinny hotel'

What does it mean when a girl says she likes skinnies?

It can mean different things. If shes talking about a guy, then a skinny guy. It's usually skinny jeans though. It can mean different things. If shes talking about a guy, then a skinny guy. It's usually skinny jeans though.

What does flacca mean in spanish?

In Spanish 'la flaca' means the skinny girl, or the skinny one.

What does gaunt less mean?

skinny face

If you are skinny does that mean they are popular?

helllllllllllllllllllllllllllll no ur saying that because you are fat and you hate skinny people... FATTIE!!!!!

Why are girls so mean to skinny guys?

i think that is a matter of opinion. Not all girls are mean to skinny guys. Actually, most girls aren't

Does Nick Jonas like shinny girls?

Do you mean "skinny"? I mean...yes and no. He doesnt care if his girlfriend is fat or skinny. He'll love her either way.

Why are your fingers so skinny?

Skinny fingers don't really mean anything; they are just the sign of a particular gene.

What does she's nothing but a skeleton mean?

she is extremly skinny

What is skimpy jeans?

Do you mean "skinny jeans"? I assume you mean that since it's probably the same thing. Skinny(/'skimpy') jeans are tight-fitting denim pants.