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It means that if your period is supposed to start on Saturday, 6 days before your missed period would be the Tuesday before.

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Q: What does six days before your missed period mean?
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What does a positive pregnancy result mean if you are 7 days delayed from your pewriod?

it means that you are pregnant. a home pregnancy test can even tell you your pregnent as soon as 5 days BEFORE your missed period.

If you have unprotected sex the day your periods start and the bloke cums inside you then your period stops the day after does this mean you have become pregenant?

No, you cannot be pregnant unless you are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days b4 your missed period and 14 days after the 1st day of your last period. No, you cannot be pregnant unless you are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days b4 your missed period and 14 days after the 1st day of your last period. No, you cannot be pregnant unless you are ovulating. You ovulate 14 days b4 your missed period and 14 days after the 1st day of your last period.

If you take a pregnancy test a week after conception how accurate will the results be if you take the digital clearblue pregnancy test which is supposed to detect 4 days before missed period?

A week after having sex is too soon to take a test. Although the test says you can use it 4 days before a period is due, it will be more accurate (and cheaper) if you wait until your period is late.

1 month and 15 days delay menstruation what does it mean?

The most common cause of a missed period is pregnancy.

Negative blood test then 20 days after missed period positive hpt?

iam in the same situation, i mean 20 days of missed period but negative dying to get pregnant, plz anyone tell me when should i test again to get positive results. I missed my periods fr first time.

If you missed your last period but got your next one what does that mean?

It just means that you missed a period

When are you supposed to take a pregnancy test?

If you mean what time of day, it doesn't matter. But it is said that you will have the highest level of the pregnancy hormone with your first pee of the day. If you mean what time of the month, then it is after you have missed your period. Some tests can be taken a few days before your period is supposed to start.

If you have unprotected sex 11 days before you were due your period could you get pregnant and then get your period when they were due 11 days after having unprotected sex?

"If you have unprotected sex 11 days before you were due your period could you get pregnant" Yes. because the womb has not bled out yet, and it still open. I don't think you can get pregnant and get your period at the same time, If that happened, the baby died. and you need to see a doctor. Are you under-age? The way to tell if your pregnant, Is if you missed your period, Irregularity does not mean you are having a child.

How soon is to soon to test for pregnancy?

Home pregnancy tests are able to detect the pregnancy hormone hCG up to 5 days before your missed period. So the earliest you could possibly get a true reading from the test is 5 days before you start (or would have started if you end up being pregnant) your period.

What does it mean if you've missed your period?

Possible pregnancy.

Can you get pregnant after your safe days?

What do you mean by safe days? During your period or before you ovulate? Explain please :)

Can you take a test 4 days before your period?

Yes, they can but are less reliable. If the result is positive, then it is most likely correct, but a negative before the date would mean you should re-do the test if your period fails to appear at the expected time. Blood tests are reliable before a period due date as they pick up much lower level of hcg.