You have a serial number of 00000 the letters NW mean your BPS was made in 1994.The B52 could be referring to the model number.
Citori, 20 gauge, superlight and upland models
Depends on what the barrels are choked.
The phone number of the Upland Public Library is: 909-931-4200.
100-650 USD
The phone number of the Kidsmobile is: -3.
The address of the Historic Upland is: 217 Eighth Street, Upland, PA 19015
You will have to find 1989 price sheets, catalogs for a definitive answer. It was in the 700-900 USD range.
The address of the Upland Public Library is: 450 N. Euclid Ave., Upland, 91786 4732
The address of the Upland Area Historical Society is: Po Box 577, Upland, IN 46989
Upland Park was created in 1913.
Upland Moa was created in 1883.
It's exactly what it says. You farm in the upland.