by eating carrots.
he looked like a fluffy bear hahahaha
you height
No...there is no harm in it...but it just makes you f-ing weird
That is a personal question for specific girls. Some do, some don't.
Probably not, but yellow semen can be caused from urine still in the urethra being flushed out when you ejaculate.
At 13-years-old a boy may not yet be producing any semen. Puberty ranges are different for every boy so it is not possible to be precise for individuals. It can be anywhere from nothing to full adult production !
Boys sperm is called semen. :)
No, it is a girl. It is Will Smith's daughter. She sings the song "Whip my hair" and "21st century girl" and lots of more songs that you can look at on YouTube.
kinda like rock band stuff kinda... and it will prob. be messy...
it depends if your like hulk or like 67 pounds and + why youll look like a creep
You shouldn't have to look like anything. If a boy truly likes you than he should like you from your personality. Just be youself! :) That is what I did and I got the boy that I liked to like me back!!