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Scrooge tells Bob to have the day off if he really must but be in all the earlier the very next day

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Q: What does scrooge tell his employee to do in exchange for his time off for the holiday?
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What did the brother tell Scrooge?

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Did Scrooge or Fezziwig tell everybody at his office to stop working on Christmas eve?

Scrooge told Bob Cratchit to stop working on Christmas Eve, while Fezziwig allowed his employees to leave work early to celebrate the holiday.

What did he tell Scrooge?

I am Christmas past.

Who appeared to Scrooge and what did he tell Scrooge?

Marley appeared to Scrooge and warned him about changing his behavior. Marley also told Scrooge he would be visited by three ghosts.

What did Marley's ghost tell Scrooge?

When Marley's ghost visited Scrooge he warned him about the ghosts and his behaviour.

What did the first ghost tell Scrooge he is there to help with?

This was Marley telling Scrooge that he (Marley) was allowed to come back to Scrooge to tell Scrooge of his inpending eternal life of torment should he not make changes to the way he lives his life now and sees mankind as his business not just the money he can get from them

What did the boy tell Scrooge it was?

He states its "Christmas day"

What did Marley tell scrooge to expect?

Three ghosts

What do Scrooge's furnishings and meals tell about him?

They show the reader that he was miserly.

What did the man tell Scrooge?

That he was collecting for the poor. He hoped that Scrooge would be generous at this special time. Scrooge questions wheather the prosions, workhouse and treadmill were still in ooperation. he is told they were. Scrooge is pleased to hear this as he is contributing to their opeation in his taxes

Who does Marley tell Scrooge to expect next?

Marley tells Scrooge to expect three more spirits to visit him that night.

Can a former employee tell non employees about why you were fired?

A former employee is a non employee. You can discuss what you want.