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Recent Activity means.... what have you done recently in a short period of time

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Q: What does recent activity on facebook mean?
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What does the time mean on facebook chat?

it is a time index of recent activity from a sender and receiver of messages from people over Facebook messenger

How do you see recent login activity from facebook mobile?

Well I hate to say this but you can't sorry.

Can my friends on Facebook read my questions?

No, your friends on Facebook can't read your questions unless you are signed on via Facebook and allow your posts to show. It may then show up in recent activity on your homepage.

How do you track recent visitors on Facebook?

you can't do that on Facebook.

What is Recent Site Activity?

Recent Site Acticity is exactly what the words mean. The link shows the recent WikiAnswers activity made by users, guests, and the combination of the two. It shows what contributions were made recently by guests and regular users on WikiAnswers.

When you like one of those little quote things on facebook what happens?

For example,If I like any quote on Facebook from another Facebooker wall,it'll just pop up on your recent activity,Or if your friend on Facebook likes it after youit'll go on the News Feed on the Home Page.

How can you know if somebody is online on facebook while using phones as internet device?

well usually when someone is online it will show up in facebook chat. however facebook chat isn't always accurate. and since phones usually don't have facebook chat, the only way to really know is by recent activity.

How recent is the 'recent activities' on Facebook?

A Day or two if not that exact day.

How can you look at someone's activity on Facebook if they have it hidden?

You can look at someone's activity on Facebook if they have it hidden by going to your activity log and clicking on 'Posts You've Hidden' located in the left column.

What does it mean when someone is idle on facebook?

They are logged in but haven't done any activity on the page in like 15 mins or so.

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is there any recent activity by man to the jaguars home

How do you see hidden likes on Facebook?

You can see the hidden likes on Facebook from the activity log.