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Q: What does really good friends mean?
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What does hugging your friend in a dream mean?

It might mean that you are really good friends or that you have a sexual attraction to that friend.

What does it mean when a boy in your class tells someone that you and him are really good friends now?

It means he wants to be more than friends with you.

How do you make a good YouTube background for the new YouTube style?

What kind of background do you mean, if you mean like a screen saver I can't help you, but If you mean like a good background like good videos or something really good I can! What you do is make a really good video like, teach somebody how to make something, or a parody of a song, and show your friends the video and then have them show they're friends then have them show theyre friends then so on.

How do you make friends if your a bit mean and sometimes you can't control your temper?

If you want really good friends, then they will learn to understand that you are that way. But, if you can control your temper, then it will be easier to make friends. Just remember, good friends like you the way you are.

What does it really mean when a woman says she sees something good in you?

This normally means that she is just wanting to be friends.

Is rey mysterio and batisa brothers or friends?

They are Really good Friends but they are not really related

Why would a girl mean a lot to you?

A girl would mean alot to you if you were in a relationship with eachother, really good friends, family, or if she impacted your life.

Are Vanessa and ashely friends?

yea they are really good friends!

Why are horses good friends?

Horses are good friends because they are nice and gentle (well most of them are ). if you have a horse that is wild don't be mean to it or abuse it other wise it will be scared of you. horses are really good friends if you treat them right. i used to have one horse and one pony they were really good friends. but the horse died of colic a sickness horses can get. also the pony we had to sell because she liked to buck alot.

Does it mean you and a girl are falling in love when you start making up insiders and nicknames?

no it means your becoming really good friends

When a guy says lets be just be really good friends after breaking up with you. What does it really mean because we havent really talked since?

well that mean he does not think your his type and does not want to be rode so he wants to be your friend

How do you dance really good?

Practice with friends.