That probably means that you will go bald if you have sex too often!
That simply means that he cannot resist the pleasure of sex enough to pull out in time. Men who are experienced in the "withdrawal method" can anticipate when they should pull out, and then pull out.
"On the pull" is when you go out to a pub or club on a night out with the intention of hooking up with a member of the opposite sex. eg. "I havn't had a shag in ages...I'm definitely going on the pull tonight"
That's how men feel when they kiss you! It may mean he wants to have sex or kiss you on ur neck of boobs
It means he's a man who wants to look at your private parts and/or wants to have sex with you.
You pull the skin over it and you make sure you pull all of it to the end and your done.
It would depend on the context in which it is used but I would assume it means to have sex. With a hand gernade once you have "pulled the pin" you are commited to the act.
Either he's really immature, or he's really little. Mature boys do not want to pull a girl's underwear off unless he is having sex with her - and that should be with her consent.
pull pull
Friends who have sex.