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9mo ago

Profoundly deaf means having little to no hearing ability, often unable to hear any sounds without the use of hearing aids or cochlear implants. People who are profoundly deaf typically rely on sign language, lip-reading, or other visual cues for communication.

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Q: What does profoundly deaf mean?
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What are the types of deafness?

Profoundly Deaf Severely Deaf Moderately Deaf

What is the sentence for profoundly?

Jean and Mitch were not prepared for the news that their little girl was profoundly deaf.

What is a sentence using the word profoundly?

The original assumptions turned out to be profoundly wrong. By the age of fifty, Beethoven was profoundly deaf, but he continued to compose great music.

How do you use the word profoundly in a sentence?

We are profoundly happy that you asked this question. The disabled child is profoundly aware that she's different from the other kids in her classroom. It is miraculous that a profoundly deaf man could write such beautiful music.

Was Ludwig van Beethoven def?

Yes, he first noticed signs of deafness in his late 20s and he eventually went profoundly deaf. All the music of his late period was composed when he was totally deaf.

In orphan the little girl max was she really deaf?

She is not Profoundly Deaf, but she IS Hard of Hearing, and she really does know Sign Language. There is certainly a buzz going on in the Deaf Community about her, and I would greatly encourage anyone who wants to support the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Community to go and see this film. The actors who play her parents in the film learned a little bit of Sign Language as their roles required them to, but other than that they mostly stuck to speaking very loudly on set, and using what little Sign Language they learned to communicate with her outside of the script.

Is dev deaf?

Deav mean Deaf

Does profoundly mean thoroughly?

No, it means 'deeply' or 'greatly'.

Were Alexander Graham Bell's daughter and wife deaf?

Bell had two daughters, but neither suffered from deafness. His wife Mabel was profoundly deaf, however, and Bell's mother had also been deaf-- one reason that motivated him in his work to develop a hearing aid that would restore some hearing to those who had lost it.

Did Beethoven love listening to his own music at the end of his life?

No. He was unable to. By the time he was in his forties, Beethoven was profoundly deaf. He could not hear his own music, except in his head.

How many deaf people use british sign language in UK as their preferred means of communication?

8.7 million deaf and hard of hearing people in the UK. The number is rising as the number of people over 60 increases. About 673,000 of these are severely or profoundly deaf; 420,000 of them cannot hear well enough to use a voice telephone

Why was the bionic ear invented?

The bionic Ear was made to help people who are profoundly deaf or severly hard of hearing. It was made by Professor Graeme Clark and a team of scientists in Melbourne, Australia in 1978.