They are also people They are just people that are mean.
Honestly, some people are mean because they might have alot going on in their lives. It is not true that people are just "born mean", It had something to do with their lives, mainly their household.
if you mean cloths then just the same as you just normal cloths
Some people just are.
the best ting to do is just explain to them that there are different groups of people and just because they are different, does not mean they are bad people.
There are mean people in every country. I'm sure there are mean people in Mexico too. Just like there are here in the U.S. Every country has mean and nice people. Some more than others.
Depends, if you mean the people who buy it for their own use, their simply just people who buy it. If you mean people who buy from dealers just to sell it to more people then they are called "pushers" at least that is what it is called locally where I am from.
nothing just your humanity move ...~
maybe just to say hes got one or just to make people laugh But hes just immuture if he does that ..
No, just because you hate people, does not mean your emo, it just means your not really a people kind of person. The answer to your question would be no, not all people that hate other mean they are emo and emo is not about hating people, so you can't call yourself an emo just by hating people. I would probably say you are a people-hater not an emo.
Just one of us ordinary people.
There just saying "yeah" just saying an extra word.