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Q: What does now in here mean in facebook?
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Can you register to if you do not have a Facebook account?

No, it is now required to use Facebook to create an account on here. Yes, Facebook is becoming a ubiquitous single-sign-on mechanism. Some day, you will need a facebook account in order to be able to vote!.

How long has Facebook been here?

5 years now... existed since february 5th. 2004 ;)

What does the phrase 'from here on' mean?

From now on

How do you color the text in facebook chat?

Now you can send colorful texts in Facebook chat . i read it here - .. and it worked fine . enjoy

How do i join?

You need to create a Facebook account, and join form there - recent changes to the registration procedure mean you are now forced to have a facebook account in order to register with WikiAnswers. When I joined, there was no such need to have a Facebook account. Personally speaking - I don't see why ANYONE should be FORCED to join a social networking media just to participate here !

How do I join WikiAnswers?

You need to create a Facebook account, and join form there - recent changes to the registration procedure mean you are now forced to have a facebook account in order to register with WikiAnswers. When I joined, there was no such need to have a Facebook account. Personally speaking - I don't see why ANYONE should be FORCED to join a social networking media just to participate here !

What is Facebook and can you show me pictures of Facebook?

Facebook is a website were you can chat to people through the network and you can play games as well. here are some pictures of Facebook. or... Here are some games that you could play on Facebook.

How do you get an answer without using Facebook?

Get an answer to what? If you mean here, you don't need to sign in using Facebook. You can create an account here and use that instead. I technically have a Facebook account, but I never use it (and in fact I've forgotten what the password is, since it's been at least two years since I signed into it).

Why is myspace so lame?

yes now everyone hass switch to facebook so add my Mikia Fisher And ADD M E ON FACEBOOK AND TELLL ME YHU FOUND ME ON HERE ANSWERS.COM

What does ian somerhalders tattoo mean?

Here and now