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Is it possible for someone who is college educated, and as far as that person knows to be a U.S. citizen, having raised two children, literate, physically healthy, and although has been diagnosed with certain mental disorders such as ADD, borderline personality disorder, to actually be a ward of the state with no rights to privacy or rights to knowledge concerning that person's health and what is really done to that person by doctors (for example during surgeory or at routine gynecologist visits)?

And if it is possible, is it legal? What rights does a person have in order to find out if there are foreign objects in their body if they have already tried to get an attorney without any luck and cannot be x-rayed without doctors, lawyers, etc. ?

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Q: What does no lh surge mean?
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Can you not have a lh surge but have an estrogen surge?


What happens when the level of LH is high?

When your body has an LH surge, you are ovulating and may become pregnant.

A sudden surge in lh concentration causes?

a surge of testosterone in males and it causes ovulation in females.

Is LH produced in contraceptive pills?

The morning after pill disrupts the LH surge. That's part of how it works. The morning after pill does not contain LH.

What does it mean if you have detected a LH surge on a home ovulation kit but your Basal Body Temperature does not change to show a progesterone increase?

if LH is up you are ovulating and progesterone should lower down.

Ovulation occurs due to a surge in?

LH - leuteinizing hormone

What is the mid cycle events stimulates by a surge of LH?


Will you be able to detect LH surge if you are breast feeding?

No, only prolactin.

The surge in LH secretion from the anterior pituitary that causes ovulation can be partially explained by the?

positive feedback of estradiol that increases the release of LH

The release of the oocyte from the follicle is caused by?

a surge in the level of the luteinizing (LH) hormone.

What happens during the fertilization process.?

an egg is released from the ovary's

Lh surge indicates pregnancy?

A Lh surge (known as the luteal surge) indicates ovulation, not pregnancy. The luteal surge causes the follicle to burst which releases the egg into the body cavity, it is then drawn into the fallopian tubule where fertilization occurs. An increase in HCG indicates pregnancy, HCG in blood and urine is the first outward sign of pregnancy.