because he is real sexy nd u can look him up in facebook lilteezy kill'em Johnson
Facebook &nd Youtube!
just go on ur account nd type im petville nd it should go to the play mode nd then u click create new pet nd get starded
Sunainah mean beautiful eyesby sunainah nd Nina nd nasima............................
it means and
it means and
nd is the code for Visa/Mastercard
cosheem means erica's boyfriend forever nd he is sexii nd hot nd everything ilu cosheem
If you have a facebook then u can look him up nd sometimes he uses the name raquan smith or either ray ray smith or mindless ray ray behavior nd u get to freind requst him nd sometimes if u try nd inbox him wont respond because he got a million inboxes from fans nd when he on chat then u can try nd talk to him alot of times ill talk to him nd he'll respond ;)
Old pence
fish nd chips