When you see this, it's simply asking for the expiration date. mm would be the month and yy would be the year.
This date is on the front of your card. :)
The letters mm yy - refer to the expiry date. For example you might see 10 16 - which means the card expires on the last day of October 2016. The cvc is the card verification code. This is usually a 3-digit number printed on the back of the card - close to the signature strip.
The expiry date - is printed on the front of the card. It takes the form mm/yy - which shows the month and year the card expires.
An ATM card is a plastic card that looks like a credit card. It allows you to do the same things at a bank machine or Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) as you would at a bank. You can withdraw cash, deposit money, check account balances, and receive a copy of your statement--all electronically--by using your ATM cardand the password to your account, which is called Personal Identification Number, or PIN.ATM cards are typically about 86 × 54 mm ( ISO/IEC 7810 ID-1 size)Front of card contains following:Name : Name of person authorised to use ATM card. Card No: This is a unique 16-digit number embossed on card. Validity: Card is valid for use from the day one receives it till the last day of themonth / year (MM/YY) indicated in the cardVisa Logo/Master Card Logo.Reverse of card contains:Signature Panel: Panel with card holder signature.Contact information / Help line Numbers.Magnetic stripe: The most important and secured part of the card. It is made up of tiny iron-based magnetic particles in a plastic-like film. It stores card holder's name, and the card number, the expiry date, along with other bank-specific information
If it is 'yyyy' then write the full birth year like 1991 and if is 'yy' then mention the year like 91 without writing the century.
Income Tax Department's initiative to receive information and maintain records of tax paid through banks through online upload of challan details is named as OLTAS (Online Tax Accounting System). The collecting bank branch will put a rubber stamp on the challan and its counterfoil indicating a unique Challan Identification Number (CIN) comprising of seven digit BSR Code allotted by RBI to that bank branch, the date of deposit (dd/ mm/ yy i.e. six digits), and the challan serial number in 5 digits. CIN will, therefore, be unique for each challan through out the country and will be used for identifying the challan in the OLTAS. BASIC STATASTICAL RETURNS (BSR)
The letters mm yy - refer to the expiry date. For example you might see 10 16 - which means the card expires on the last day of October 2016. The cvc is the card verification code. This is usually a 3-digit number printed on the back of the card - close to the signature strip.
The letters MM and YY stand for the month and year that the card is going to expire. If you see 05/18, then the card will not be good after May, 2018. Usually you will get a note to renew the card for another length of time.
Month and year
The expiry date - is printed on the front of the card. It takes the form mm/yy - which shows the month and year the card expires.
People from the US tend to use the mm dd yy format, while those from other countries commonly put the day first.
Most countries use DD/MM/YY or DD/MM/YYYY formats.The US chooses to use MM/DD/YY or MM/DD/YYYY.
dd = date mm = month cc = century yy = year eg in the above format todays date is 27122010
Month ... Day ... Year2 digits for each one
It should be 11 September 1999 as used in most parts of the world (dd-mm-yy) or in American format (why? I ask myself), November 9, 1999 (mm-dd-yy).
It is usually mm/dd/yy
To say something with specific details ( birthday , DD/MM/YY .Like if you want a type of lolly you have to specify what type of lolly you would like.
Don't change your date presentation format using C. Use Control Panel, Regional and Language Options, pick your primary country or customize date as needed.