it feels like someone squirted a ring of ketchup around the crown of your head, but this ketchup in warm and spreads down your head, and just feels AWESOME
(i actually get this)
Yes. Some types of marijuana can make you feel drowsy and lazy.
like this .. _|_
no it shouldn't. Marijuana is a plant that has been grown in the ground naturally how can you make a plant illegal? the only thing weed aka Marijuana does to you is make you feel happy about how you feel if anyone thinks this is wrong then leave a comment.
To make a patient feel better.
it make the ones weak and you will feel unstablized
Marijuana is a unique substance with unique effects, therefore nothing you smoke will ever feel like marijuana if it's not marijuana. If you're looking for mild relaxing effects, you can try smoking mugwort, sage or damiana. But these won't feel like marijuana, they have their own properties. No legal high will ever feel like marijuana.
marijuana can not actually paralize you but it can make you feel so heavy that you just "cant't move" Example man im so stoned i feel paralized
It makes you super high,hungry,funny,and you feel like your in space
Like a God.
Smoking marijuana can increase your metabolic rate, which will make you feel hotter than usual.
marijuana Has long been seen as a effective pain killer and sedative so THC should make a sufferer feel better.
Marijuana smells the same. It should not matter when it was made. It will smell like it smells anytime.