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K indicates it was manufactured in MAY

TT indicates it was manufactured in 1948

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Q: What does ktt stand for on Remington 514?
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Related questions

What does Remington's 514 look like?

See related link 'Remington 514 photo'

What are the date codes for a Remington model 514?

There would be to many combinations to include in this answer.the Remington model 514 was made from 1948-1971. Look at related links for a explaination and table on the Remington Society of America.

What does ktt stand for money transfer?

Key Tested Telex

How do you find the age of your Remington 514?

The only no-i can find on the barrel of the gun is located near the reciver on the left side thee what i think are the code n0-are xtt can you help me with this info- thanks model 514 22 short long or long rifle shells.The letters XTT can stand for the production date of december(X) and the year 1948(TT).therfore your Remington model 514 was made in December 1948.

How much for a Remington model 514 22 cal?


How much is a Remington model 514 worth?

75-150 based on condition

How do you find out what year my Remington 514 was made?

See related links for information and look-up table on the Remington Society of America.

How do you tell when my Remington model 514 was made?

I have a Remington 22 long or short Rifle Model 514 pat# 214901322 ABO? What year was this made.

When was the Remington model 514 seriel?

The 514 was made from 1948-1970 so they are all date code stamped on the barrel, see related links.

What is the value of a Remington Model 514 rifle?

$100-$150 in top condition.

What is a Remington 514.?

Bolt Action .22 single shot rifle made from 1948-1970.

What is the age of a Remington model 514 rifle?

Introduction Year: 1948 Year Discontinued:1970