On the bottom of the barrel, next to the forearm.
serial number 119973.In order to answer your question correctly,I would need to know the model of Browning shotgun you are asking about?Please include the model and serial number together in your next question and I will see to it that you receive a answer.
I have no records of a Browning 16ga shotgun having a A prefix to the serial number.Please check and list the model number(or name model) of your shotgun in your next post.
Your Browning rifle cannot be dated without you including the serial number to your rifle.Please include this in your next posting.
Can you include the model of Browning rifle in question?I would also ask that you see if the last part of your rifles serial number could be Z73?please include this info in your next posting and I may be able to help you.
If you are looking at a Browning shotgun, the two asterisks indicat Modified Choke.
A star next to the serial number on any US bill means that the original note with that number was damaged in printing, and the star note is the replacement.
The serial number should be stamped on the bottom of the receiver next to the forearm.
The (7) digit serial number of a Browning BSS breaks down like this: The first (4) digits represent the number of the gun in the production run. yours was the 7,327 gun made that year. The next Digit "A" represents 12 Gauge (B for 20 Gauge). The final (2) digits represent the year of manufacture. In your case 1972. Hope this helps.
A star next to the serial number on a 1935 silver dollar certificate indicates that the original serial number on the note had to be replaced due to an error in printing or damage to the original serial number. The replacement serial number is denoted by the star symbol to differentiate it from the regular serial numbers. These star notes are typically rarer and more valuable to collectors due to their limited production.
The manufacturer is normally stamped on the firearm next to the model, caliber, and serial number.
You have a Browning safari model bolt action rifle.These came in 3 grade levels according to the amount of engraving,fancy wood etc.The basic model was the safari,then the next level was the medallion,then the olympian.I can say that by your serial number your rifle was made in the year 1968.