Well if you didn't ask him for it and he just gave it to you himself then he might want to meet you or he likes you.
The same thing when a hot (any other race guys) gives you his number. He wants you to text him.
It means to call him.
53 when multiplied by itself gives 2809.
12 is the smallest whole number that gives a remainder of 4 when it is divided by 8.
12 ÷ 6 = 2
If your crush gives you less attention it could mean that he or she does not like you as much as you'd like for him or her to.If your crush is giving you less attention, they may not be crushing as hard as they used to be.
he has a HUGE crush on you.
In general, if someone gives out their phone number, it's a sign they are at least interested in a friendship. Be honest with that person about the attraction, and go from there.
He wants you to defiantly call him!
Again, this could mean a number of things,He has a crush on youHe is getting paid from his friend to do thisIf he does it repeatedly, this could mean he is in love with you.Again, it could mean a number of things.
He has a crush on you. Next move is yours.
It could mean that they are unsure of their own feelings towards you or that they are not ready to openly reciprocate. It's important to communicate openly with your crush to understand their intentions and avoid misinterpretation.
What does it mean when my crush keeps checking me out?
Number One Crush was created on 1996-10-29.
She probably likes you or is starting to like you. Depending on how she acts towards you like if she walks pasts you and flirts and tries to make eye contact she likes you. Just putting it simple yeahh
It means that your attraction for your crush is waning.