if your crush doesnt talk to you is for a reason...
1)he doesnt like you or simply don't want to nomore communcation with you.
2)maybe he hasn't noticed you
what have you done to get his attention?
if you really like him alot... try getting his attention but act hard to get at the same time. works all the time! :) good luckk
It mean's He Has a Huge crush on you or he thinks your weird. I Rekon He has a Crush on you!!
It means they like you.
I'm pretty sure it means you're a stalker.
no zac doesnt but miley has a crush on zac :)
Doesnt nessecarly mean that your in love but it could mean it , but it propably means that you have a crush on that person ;)
It doesnt matter what you and your crush believe in, all that matters is that you be together.
He could have gotten over his crush, is trying to get over his crush and does not want to ask you out, or does like you but does not know how to show it.
It could mean a lot of things 1.It would mean you're not ready to date yet 2. You don't like your crush as much as you think you do.Anyother questions about relationships? Search "Elvistheferrett". I can help you out.
tell him/her u like them if u are shy just ask them 2 stop; ignore them! my crush made ffun of me i ignored him nd now he doesnt say anything mean anymore!!
I keep dreaming about my crush over and over 2 . It depends about what are u dreaming are u dreaming that u and ur crush are together and are boyfriend and girlfriend then that means that there could be a chance but if its like he hates me and doesnt talk to me that means its not ment to be.
he's either shy to say he does or he doesnt like u but he doesnt wanna hurt ur feelings
If he doesnt pay attention to you and doesnt really care about talking to you.